Wednesday, December 27, 2006

INTRODUCTION, revisited.

(The following is an edited version of the INTRODUCTION to my previous blog, Diamonds & Studs. I feel compelled to include it here as a prologue for new readers. Not that this page sees any kind of traffic. But then again, you never know.)

I am immensely successful, by any standard.

I am deeply grateful that I was born into a wealthy family and was given the best education money could buy. But I never flaunt my money. It's not elegant.

I wear only diamonds and very expensive understated clothes. Sometimes I'll wear flip-flops. And sometimes, only sometimes, I'll go over-the-top and dress to kill, Swarovski crystals flashing away. And who says a man looks ridiculous wearing diamonds? If diamonds are man enough for Beckham and Eminem, then they're man enough for me. Then again, my friends may just dispute my claim to manliness.

I might come across as a snob, but people who know me know that that's far from the truth. Yes, I can be a prick if I want to, and only to those who ask for it. Though generally, I do not see the point in putting people down and I am certainly not the confrontational type. I prefer to walk away from a fight, unless principles are involved. Deep down, I'm pretty shy so I hide it well with flamboyance.

I have friends who love me, and friends who pretend to love me. I don't really mind. What matters is that I love them back.

I now call the bustling, burgeoning, metropolitan city of Kuala Lumpur my home. If you don't know where Kuala Lumpur is, then you should really get an education. It's not too late.

I have also lived parts of my life in London and New York City. Two great sinful cities that have taught me how to live and let live.

I love London. It is a timeless place. The old and the new sit side by side. At the tender age of 16 I was shipped off by my parents to get a British education and London became my surrogate mother. London is a city filled with contradictions, a lot like myself. I found myself in London. I also lost myself there.

I love New York City. It is a world in itself, a dichotomy of universes, where the beautiful and the ugly walk side by side. After London, Manhattan has to be my second most favourite place of all time. (Cairo is my third but that's another posting in itself.)

I love travelling. It opens up my mind even more and refreshes my soul. You should try it, if you haven't.

I have one resounding principle in life: WIN OR DIE. That may sound almost callous and cold, but it sounded good when Glenn Close uttered it in the movie Dangerous Liasisons.

I run my own record label and artiste management outfit. I have three gorgeous girls in my charge; one diva and two divettes. (See right for pics and vids.)

I probably sound horribly pompous. Too bad. This is my blog and I can sound however I like. Welcome to my world, where I begin every paragraph with 'I'.


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